Repairing the Relationship

We can all use a little help… Repairing the mother-daughter relationship is possible. New understanding and strategies when dealing with a problematic relationship can lead to healing.

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How to Handle Hurt Feelings

By Laurie Newkirk

My Mother hurt my feelings so much a few weeks ago that I started yelling at her. I thought I was now past that but it seems she pushed a button of mine.

Okay… so my mother really hurt me and I acted badly, now what do I do?

Forgiving her and myself seemed like the right answer and I wanted to do that but it was going to have to wait until I figured out how to deal with the emotional pain that was pinballing around inside me! I really needed to stop the pain before I could even get to the forgiveness part (almost like having to stop the bleeding before you can focus on healing an injury.)

I decided to do research and came across a lot of good information on healing hurt feelings. Something that really resonated with me was to not let hurt feelings fester, quote: “Don’t stuff hurt feelings or, like leftovers in the back of the fridge, they will start to rot.”

I liked that a lot and it validated that I was on the right path but it didn’t quite answer the question of ‘how’ to handle the hurt.

Many sources emphasized to look at “why the person did it.” This sounded reasonable, so I took a deep breath and looked at the situation. From my mother’s perspective she did it out of caring. Realizing that did help, but it wasn’t enough to fully stop the hurt since this is an ongoing issue. No mattercontinue reading

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Jo Maeder Interview

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Did You Know? "When I Married My Mother" has been named one of the Top 50 Memoirs for the Summer of 2009by the Library Journal Coming Soon: Barb and Laurie interview author, Jo Maeder! We're still editing. read more

Love Means Saying You're Sorry

Love Means Saying You're Sorry
By Glenn Wolff, Greenwich Citizen How do you handle a situation in which you say something hurtful or inappropriate to your spouse or child? When you are off base in how you react to your child even if provoked? When you receive aninsincere apology from a family member? We all at one time read more

To Mother, With Love

To Mother, With Love
by J.R. Barcyndy How do you heal 30 years of a dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship? This year, I was finally able to appreciate a gift I had received at birth but had never unwrapped.  I transformed my relationship with my mother. My mother and I were at odds ever since I was a littlread more

How to Improve the Mother-Daughter Bond

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Biggest Fan and Harshest Critic

Biggest Fan and Harshest Critic
Biggest Fan and Harshest Critic: Reinventing Your Adult Relationship with Your Mother Adapted from Nobody’s Baby Now: Reinventing Your Adult Relationship with Your Mother and Father by Susan Newman, Ph.D. One of the most enduring relationships we have is the one with our mothers.  At the saread more

You Always Have a Choice

You Always Have a Choice
By Barbara Wilkov No matter what decisions you make in life (jobs, relationships, living situations, etc.), you always have a choice. It may not feel that way at times, but it may be helpful to know that you actually have more control over things in your life than it may sometimes feel. The saread more

Conflict & Comfort

Conflict & Comfort
The Mother-Daughter Bond - Conflict & Comfort By Elinor Robin, Ph.D. For many women, the mother-daughter connection is life's most complex relationship. So it comes as no surprise that many of us struggle with the relationship that we share with our mothers and many of us struggle with the rread more

29 Rules of Fair Fighting

29 Rules of Fair Fighting
Given the complex nature of the mother-daughter relationship, conflict can often lead to all out fighting. If it does, here are some dos and don’ts for fighting “fair” which can help keep anything terribly hurtful from being said and may even lead to some kind of productive resolution. DO: 1. read more

Picking Your Battles or "Sometimes Winning is the Booby Prize"

Picking Your Battles or "Sometimes Winning is the Booby Prize"
By Barbara Wilkov Over the years, I’ve spent quite a bit of time with children of varying ages, including teaching 3rd grade for 7 years, and spending time with my niece and nephew and the kids of some of my close friends. My babysitting “career” started in middle school and has continued into adread more

Resolve Conflict

Resolve Conflict
Why People Feel the Way They Do (And How to Resolve Conflict With Them) By Annette Estes Have you ever wondered why some people seem driven to make a lot of money while others honestly seem to be satisfied with just "getting by?" Have you known people who do so much for others they becomeread more