For Mothers

The primary focus of this website is on the adult daughter’s perspective of the mother-daughter relationship, but there is certainly a lot of overlap…every mother is/was a daughter and many daughters are also mothers. We have found that a helpful strategy in trying to heal the mother-daughter relationship is to try to see things from the other’s perspective and to try to understand their feelings, motivations and viewpoint. That’s why mothers often find the articles, videos and resources on this site to be helpful too. But this section is specifically For Mothers:

broken heartVisit our Mother-Daughter Estrangement Page
Teens imageFor those mothers with teens, visit Moms & Teen Girls Page for strategies

Featured Article

Lesson of the Day: ‘America’s Mothers are in Crisis’

After being stuck at home during the pandemic with children yelling “Mom…MOM…Motherrr” all day, everyday, America’s mothers are frustrated. The New York Times set up a Scream Line where women can call in to yell, laugh, cry or vent, for a solid minute.

Click Here To Listen to the Primal Scream Line

By Jeremy Engle

The New York Times Primal Scream Line shows that America's Mothers are in Crisis

Featured Article: “America’s Mothers Are in Crisis” by Jessica Grose

In the introduction to a series on how America’s working mothers are navigating the coronavirus pandemic, Jessica Grose writes:

The pandemic has touched every group of Americans, and millions are suffering, hungry and grieving. But many mothers in particular get no space or time to recover.

The impact is not just about mothers’ fate as workers, though the economic fallout of these pandemic years might have lifelong consequences. The pandemic is also a mental health crisis for mothers that fervently needs to be addressed, or at the very least acknowledged.

To address this complex and pressing crisis, The New York Times created a multimedia report that lays out exactly what mothers are facing and what needs to be done to support them. The project’s interactive design is supported by playful illustrations, glaring statistics and a special kind of audio feature: Times editors set up a hotline for mothers to call in and scream it out.

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15 Insights on Improving Mother-Daughter Relationships

15 Insights on Improving Mother-Daughter Relationships
By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. Mother-daughter relationships are complex and diverse.  Some mothers and daughters are best friends.  Others talk once a week.  Some see each other weekly; others live in different states or countries.  Some spar regularly.  Some avoid conflict.  Others talk through eread more

Mothers vs. Daughters

Mothers vs. Daughters
Mothers vs. Daughters: Why Can't We Just Get Along? WebMD Feature from "Good Housekeeping" Magazine By Jennifer Allen, You love each other...yet one of you is always saying the wrong thing!  How to improve the conversation-and the relationship. I sometimes think of my daughtersread more

Overstepping Boundaries

Overstepping Boundaries
Mothers and Daughters:  Are You Overstepping Your Boundaries? By Amy Bloom, O, The Oprah Magazine Yes to sharing eye makeup, yes to sharing hairdressers, No to matching haircuts and outfits.  Yes to helping each other avoid certain relatives, No to dishing about husbands or boyfriends or more