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Please note, listing businesses or websites here does not mean an endorsement or approval by This list is provided for reference and informational purposes only, and we cannot assume responsibility for the conduct of businesses or websites on this list. We receive no compensation of any kind for listing a business or website. All links on this page are to external sites. Please be sure to check into a business or service thoroughly yourself before using them.

A Place for Mom
A free referral service helping families find nursing homes, assisted living, Alzheimer’s care, retirement communities, home care, and other senior care options for elderly parents.

Aging Care
A community for caregivers of aging parents.

Senior Living Map
Displays all assisted living facilities on a map and provides a street view of each.

Benefits Checkup
A service of the National Council on Aging.

Boomers with Elderly Parents
Elderly parents care information for boomers with aging parents.

Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
A resource for those who believe they may be the daughter of a narcissistic mother.

Eldercare Locator
A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, the Eldercare Locator is a place to find local agencies, in every U.S. community, that can help older persons and their families access home and community-based services like transportation, meals, home care, and caregiver support services.

Family Caregiver Web
A website dedicated to connecting caregivers.

Gov Benefits is the official benefits website of the U.S. government, with information on over 1,000 benefit and assistance programs.

Lotsa Helping Hands
Create a free of charge, private, web-based community to organize family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues – a family’s ‘circles of community’ — during times of need.

National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
A professional Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is a health and human services specialist who helps families who are caring for older relatives.

National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide information and resources to help you and your family plan for future long-term care (LTC) needs.

National Family Caregivers Association
NFCA educates, supports, empowers and speaks up for the more than 50 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness or disability or the frailties of old age.

Sandwich Generation Resource Center
North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) is the oldest international organization devoted to investor protection.

Take Your Oxygen First at Leeza’s Place
Caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease is a very complicated undertaking and it’s one of the most physically, emotionally and spiritually draining experiences one can ever have. Leeza Gibbons provides a resource for those dealing with this difficult situation.